Investor Day 一開始就好符合Elon Musk之前的簡介
“I really wanted today to be not just about Tesla investors who own stock, but really anyone who is an investor in Earth,”
Elon Musk 提到 invest "$10T USD" (大約是美國全年一半的GDP) 去達到Master Plan 3 - sustainable energy economy
但Elon Musk解釋左: $10T 大約是全球經濟GDP 的10%,
攤分10年, 就是每年用"1%"的GDP 去建構呢個全球 sustainable energy -- Elon Musk 係提出緊一個 "(as far as reasonably) practical solution" 比全個地球既人類
How can you not appreciate this Engineer, Elon Musk?